Apple reportedly now planning to switch back on production iPhone 4 will be sold in India, Indonesia, Brazil, after the previous turn offer unsold inventory to the Indian market the device. Contract manufacturer Foxconn, announced that the new generation has to move by Apple to offer low-cost model in order to regain market share in the three markets, according to a report on the Economic Times, which cited the heads of knowledge about the issue.
Earlier reports had noted the plans to upgrade the iPhone 4 in India facing sluggish sales and declining part of the mid-range segment of the market from rival Samsung. In the iPhone 4 8GB model is priced to be reduced from its previous retail price of Rs.26, 500(U.S. $ 424 segment offering.
The entry-level iPhone 5s and 5c sell for 53,500 rupees (U.S. $ 856.04) and 41,900 rupees (U.S. $ 670.43), respectively. The new 8GB iPhone 4 stocks was again in stores over the past few weeks, at 22,900 rupees (U.S. $ 366.42) price tag, showing the date of manufacture in December 2013, according to the Economic Times.
If the reports are true , it will mark the first time Apple has discontinued the production of the model to revive after you have stopped the production of the iPhone 4 with a iPhone 5s 5c and start in September 2013 and earlier models , including the iPhone 5 launched in 2012 and the iPhone 4S in 2011.
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