iBall's Andi Uddaan mobile device will be launched across India in two weeks, at the introductory price of just 8999 Indian rupees. It also comes with free accessories such as a removable lid, an additional cover, scratch protection and even a little pink purse. So in addition to the incredible price and freebies, what really makes this device unique?
iBall Andi Uddaan mobile phone with a special and exclusive SOS button on the phone's back. In the event of any kind of emergency, simply press the SOS button will set off a loud alarm, alerting people nearby. In addition, calls and text messages are automatic five pre -defined emergency contacts.
Text messaging provides pre-defined contacts with the exact geographical location in real time. In addition, the same message is also sent automatically as a Facebook update too.
In addition, the SOS button, the iBall Andi Udaan also pre- installed application: Ice, which means in case of emergency. P function allows users to enter important information such as blood group, medical history, details of people to contact in the event of an accident, and other features thus causing an emergency alert.
Another aspect when turned on and enabled, GPS tracking system, up to 10 people. The user can see the place again in real -time or pre- defined time intervals, and this feature can also be used by businesses to track workers. Under the hood , iBall Andi Uddaan is powered by 1.3GHz Dual Core A7 processor with 512 MB RAM and 4 GB internal memory , expandable up to 32 GB , powered by Google Android 4.2 OS jellybean. Ekranas5 inch IPS HD display, and also comes in both front and rear 5 MP camera with autofocus, and 8 MP rear camera, as well as autofocus and dual LED flash.
iBall Andi Uddaan mobile phone with a special and exclusive SOS button on the phone's back. In the event of any kind of emergency, simply press the SOS button will set off a loud alarm, alerting people nearby. In addition, calls and text messages are automatic five pre -defined emergency contacts.
Text messaging provides pre-defined contacts with the exact geographical location in real time. In addition, the same message is also sent automatically as a Facebook update too.
In addition, the SOS button, the iBall Andi Udaan also pre- installed application: Ice, which means in case of emergency. P function allows users to enter important information such as blood group, medical history, details of people to contact in the event of an accident, and other features thus causing an emergency alert.
Another aspect when turned on and enabled, GPS tracking system, up to 10 people. The user can see the place again in real -time or pre- defined time intervals, and this feature can also be used by businesses to track workers. Under the hood , iBall Andi Uddaan is powered by 1.3GHz Dual Core A7 processor with 512 MB RAM and 4 GB internal memory , expandable up to 32 GB , powered by Google Android 4.2 OS jellybean. Ekranas5 inch IPS HD display, and also comes in both front and rear 5 MP camera with autofocus, and 8 MP rear camera, as well as autofocus and dual LED flash.
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