Through its global unveiling of two weeks, Sony has launched the world's first pen drives of different smartphones and tablets in India. The new flash drives are a 2 - in - 1 device with both USB 2.0 and micro USB connections, so customers can use them for laptop and desktop computers, smartphones and tablets.
8, 16 and 32GB variants of the New Sony USM - Sa1 USB drive was priced at R 746 , RS 1399 and 2633 A in the country.
New drives are compatible with Android (Ice Cream Sandwich to Jelly Bean) operating system and offer USB on- the- go (OTG) function. Sony says that it is working to make them compatible with Android 4.4 (KitKat), the latest version of Google’s mobile operating system.
In addition to copying data between devices, these flash drives can be used as an additional or temporary storage of smartphones and tablets. Their caps lock (tri-color) will be available to protect against damage, dust and debris, says Sony. The metal frame of flash drives is rugged enough to withstand the daily mobile use.
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