Lenovo has unveiled a new smartphone, called the Vibe X, Which is also new sub - brand. The phone has some nifty features on the hardware and software side, which can attract customers. From the ultra - thin profile with a high resolution display, It May Provide a suitable alternative to the Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini and Google Nexus 4.
One of the main features of the Lenovo Vibe X is a 5 - inch Full HD screen has a 1080 screen. Full HD screen Vibe X gets a thumbs up from us. Vibe X great feature is its slim and lightweight body. The phone weighs just 120gram and 6.9mm thick. The design is pleasing to the eye and construction material is decent. However it does not inspire the same confidence thats Nokia, HTC phone works. In fact, it felt a little fragile and the matte plastic finish did not feel good to touch.
Lenovo launched Vibe X with Android 4.2 pre - installed OS. The software is loaded with the manufacturer’s user interface and a few apps. Lenovo new model packs a MediaTek 1.5GHz quad -core processor. The phone is a bit sluggish every step, as we switch between apps quickly. Lenovo Vibe X packs 13MP rear camera and 5MP front camera. The rear camera is good for Browse photos from a distance, as it does not lose too much information. 5MP camera on the front can be pretty good pictures, more than enough for the front of the camera.
There are two major problems with Vibe X is the storage and battery life. 16GB of internal storage , you get 12GB to store programs , videos , music and so on, and there is no microSD card support. And the 2,000mAh battery is unlikely to last a full day on one charge if you take into account the demanding Full HD screen. However, a full review alone can reveal the true picture.
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